Monday, April 15, 2013

Past and Present

"Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future."

Every once in a while, there is a movie that leaves me still as the credits role, with this faint smile on my face. I can't move - I can only think about how absolutely powerful that movie was, sometimes in ways I don't even know yet myself.

I went home this weekend to spend some time with my family since I hadn't made it home for Easter. The Sunday before I left, I had intended to go see my boyfriend's family out at the ranch, but a freak mini blizzard prevented me from doing that, and led me to doing one of my favorite things: watching a movie with my father.

We have the same sense for watching movies - we discuss it as it plays through, feeling through it's twists and turns (we're those people you don't want to sit behind at a theater) and usually figuring out the ending. Thank the lord my boyfriend's the same way, or I'd never be able to watch a movie with him.

Anyway, the movie we'd picked for the afternoon was "Cloud Atlas" which came out last year I believe. It's one I've been wanting to see, despite all the bad rap it's gotten for being long and drawn out and complicated - which is my cup of tea.

And I loved it. So. Much. I can't explain the story line - or rather, lines - because there are six different time periods ranging all the way from the 1800's to 2144, to what they call "The Fall."

But it's about people, and their lives, their loves, and how each act that they perform resonates through history, into a future they don't even know exists yet. All of the actors play multiple characters in these time periods. I think it's magical to think about how our actions could affect someone in the future that we don't even know about yet. It's astonishing. I can't put it into words.

Cody walked in right as the credits rolled, and was sad to have missed it because he could tell by the look on my face that it had been something good. That's ok - I'd love an excuse to see it again. :)

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