Thursday, February 21, 2013

It's funny to use the word "ritual" and "religion" in the same sentence, but that's probably because I never thought of it that way before - even if it's true. I went through a baptism too - I was a baby for mine though, and I was baptized at the same time as my cousin Daniel, who I'm very close to. I may not remember anything from the ceremony, but the picture that was taken after is one that's always stuck in my mind. It's of me and Daniel - him, sitting on my mother's lap absolutely wailing, and me sitting on his mother's lap, looking at him quizzically. It makes me grin just thinking about it.

As for my own rituals? Leaving my house to walk to school every day at exactly 7:40 am, always buying a large container of ZOI vanilla Greek yogurt once a week, and talking to my man on the phone every night for a bit. Going to class every day would be a ritual too I suppose. Whenever we go on a road trip, we unfailingly buy a Snapple and a strawberry ice cream bar at the first rest stop.

My makeup varies, but I almost always use eyeliner, if any at all. I wear my hair up on the days I don't wash it, and down on the days I do. I go to the gym at 2 pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and at 9 am Tuesday and Wednesday - always starting with the elliptical when I get there.

I always listen to "Home" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros when I drive into Dillon.

Humans - what oddly habitual creatures we are.

I'm not sure how I feel about that...
(link to the song :) )

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