Friday, February 15, 2013

Have a Yippee Ki Yay Valentines Day!

For all the haters out there, I loved Valentine's Day even before I ever had my first boyfriend. People call it stupid, but what's so stupid about having one day set aside every year to show the people you love how much you care about them? I think that's wonderful.

My man came down to spend the evening with me; we went to dinner, and watched the premiere of the new Die Hard (yes - it was funny to watch all of the couples going to the new Nicholas Sparks movie, "Safe Haven" across the hall from the movie we were going to. Nothing says "I love you!" more than Bruce Willis smashing things... ).

Before we left, we exchanged gifts, and in a jest as to the fact I keep joking with him to buy me a ring, he bought me wine entitled "The Diamond." Which got me wondering...why is it we associate diamonds with weddings and love and engagement rings and all of that stuff? There has to be a mythology attached to that somewhere.

I found a few interesting sites about diamonds, one of which I'll post below, but the two things that stood out to me were these: In Greek mythology, diamonds were thought to be the tears of the gods. And in Roman mythology, they were thought to be the splinters of stars (isn't that beautiful??) that Cupid used to tip his love arrows.

How funny to find that out on a day where little baby cupids are hovering from strings in the windows of shops and making inappropriate jokes on some cards everywhere you look. Now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder if in any of the sections with Cupid diamond-tipped arrows are mentioned in Ovid. Hmmmmm. I'm going to have to go look.

Hope everyone had a love-filled Valentine's Day, complete with explosions, good company, fun, and many John McClain one-liners. ♥

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